Saturday, April 09, 2011

Donald Trump asserts faith in press, affirms Obama's U.S. birth

That is, if we read this part of his anti-Gail Collins screed literally:
For some reason, the press protects President Obama beyond anything or anyone I have ever seen. What they don't realize is that if he was not born in the United States, they would have uncovered the greatest "scam" in the history of our country.
Actually, this can't be read literally.  The construction  "if he....x, then they would have y" requires a contrary-to-fact construction, i.e. "If he were not born in the United States," which would mean that he in fact was born in the U.S.   The only way to give this assertion that sense that Mr. Bestseller apparently intended is to completely rewrite it:
What they don't realize is that since he was not born in the United States, they could have uncovered the greatest "scam" etc.
Once again, the Donald hath made a trumpet of his ass.

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